Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My criticism on Politics for Idiots.... by King of said Idiots.

I chose to write my final blog over Politics for Idiots.... by King of said Idiots simply because the name of this blog intrigued me and I wanted to see what the author had to say. For his most recent blog, the author discussed his feelings about a company named Cigna and how they have been depriving many people of their rightful care and money.

I really respect your outlook on this topic. I can relate to your situation of graduating and moving out of your house for college because I just completed my second year at Texas. I also took for granted the 'free money' I had received for the first 18 years of my life so I can understand where you are coming from with this insurance company committing these 'crimes.'

I too feel that this insurance companies heinous acts should definitely be stopped. The man that they deemed 'not disabled' even though he has a terrible disease is horrible. Like you said, a doctor killing someone due to malpractice is unconstitutional and illegal so why in the world are Cigna's decisions of depriving people who need financial assistance not unconstitutional. I knew that there have been unfortunate situations such as this one over the years, but I had no idea to the degree Cigna has been doing wrong.

I really found your previous blog extremely insightful and especially after reading the article. After thinking about this subject, I feel that it is up to you and I and the rest of our generation to make these atrocities come to an end. I feel that as we become more educated on political topics such as this one, we must act on them and make sure that our congressmen address these topics in their entirety. Unfortunately, I feel that no matter what, things like this will continue to happen to many unfortunate people for a good while due to the nature of American businesses and the cut throat people who run them.

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